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Yos Kitabi Pdf

This post is about yos kitabi pdf. Yos kitabi pdf means earth. Earth is our home and we need to take care of it, so that we can do things like play soccer and grow food to eat every day. We also need to take care of the air, water and animals we share this planet with. Which is a special place. We have been lucky enough to find it. Only a few other things in the universe have life on them, and we have never been able to find out if there is life on other planets. All the other planets are too far away. Finding another planet that has life would be as exciting as finding a new star or a new comet. It would be an amazing thing to learn about. But for now we must make sure we take care of this earth because our lives depend on it everyday!

About 80% of Earth's surface is covered by the oceans and seas, with the remaining 20% consisting of continents and islands, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere. Approximately of Earth's surface is covered by ice caps or glaciers, of which the polar ice caps are approximately 92%. Earth's atmosphere also protects it from harmful solar radiation. More than 99% of this radiation is reflected back into space by the atmosphere, leaving only a small portion of radiation emitted to reach Earth's surface. The planet hosts many plant and animal species. About 93% of all known species are estimated to live on Earth. The great majority of these—about 70–80%—have been described in detail by taxonomists, although their precise number is still subject to some uncertainty. The total number of known living species is estimated at between 5 million and 10 million, of which about 1. 2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described. The remaining species are of unknown status, but are estimated to be fewer than 2 million, or about 1% of the total. Most species are animalia, meaning they are eukaryotic organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. However, the deep-sea vent flora is based on eukaryotes that photosynthesize in their internal cavities and lack membrane bound organelles (and do not form microtubules). All species except single-celled protists have the capacity to reproduce, although sexual reproduction that generates offspring is not characteristic of all species. The remaining species consist of prokaryotes, unicellular organisms which lack membrane-bound organelles. Many unsolicited organisms are present in human-inhabited areas, some causing diseases ranging from minor ailments to serious illnesses. The hygiene within hospitals can be considered as poor due to infection by pathogens or non-sterilized equipment or instruments. Spores and fungal filaments are especially difficult obstacles on the surface of the skin that kill bacteria by means of heat that comes from living organisms surrounding them.




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